It has more than 18 quintillion planets, starting in the Euclid galaxy and letting you travel to others in the universe as the game progresses. No Man’s Sky launched just a couple years later in 2016, features a much more fantasized version of the universe. It's an absolutely impressive feat that has only grown through community and expansions in the years since its release. You can find the rest of our Elite Dangerous guide from the first page of this article.Elite Dangerous, originally launched in 2014, gives you a one-to-one replica of the Milky Way galaxy.
Elite dangerous vs star citizen map how to#
The next part of our guide explains how to make money from missions. If you've been distracted by something going on in the local area, simply look for the route icon when you're done, lock the target star, align it in your dashboard compass until it's a full, bright dot and then get ready to make your next star jump. The next star system that you need to travel to in order to complete your journey will be highlighted. Once you've set your course, you use your left-hand cockpit panel to keep track of the next stage of your journey. Using waypoints to reach your destination You can also view the local star information ahead of time by clicking 'System view'. To have the game calculate your waypoints, click on the star in the map, then select 'Plot Route'. If you can't see your destination on the screen, type it into the blank box under the Navigation tab, then hit Enter - the map view will whizz along to your destination.

To set a destination and have the game calculate a route for your automatically, simply go into the Galaxy Map and locate the system you want to visit. This can be incredibly helpful when you're seeking out a new ship, for example, or are starting to build a picture of regional trade and economies. If you then click on individual planets and stations, you'll be able to see critical information about things like the local economy, and the facilities available at certain stations. When you first open up System Map from the cockpit panel, you'll be able to read a basic overview of the local system.

If the Galaxy Map exists to paint a broader picture of the universe, and how the various star systems slot into it, then the System map gives you much finer detail about the individual systems themselves. The final Options tab simply provides a few alternative viewing options to suit your preferences. Just use the tick-boxes to turn filters on or off, and have a look through our trading tips for more information on how to make the most of this section of the interface. This is really useful when you want to find a nearby system that belongs to a certain faction, for example, or if you want to see how various commodities flow around the region you're in. The View tab simply allows you to customise the appearance of the map using various filters. Show of the Week: Elite Dangerous and 5 Humiliating Ways to Die in Space You can also evaluate travelling routes from this part of the interface, and also gauge your maximum jump range based on your cargo limitations - move the slider left and right here to see the impact cargo has. If you want to search for a particular system - perhaps because you have a mission objective there - simply enter the name of your destination in the empty box under the Navigation tab and hit Enter. The Info tab provides useful information like the economy type of the star system in question (useful for trading), and the faction each system is aligned with. There's quite a lot to take in when you first open up the Galaxy Map, but it's not as complicated as it looks once you've grasped the basics.

Here's a quick guide to using Elite's in-game maps to get from A to B, and picking an interesting target to head to in the first place! Using the Galaxy Map We've covered the basics of travelling through the local space of Elite Dangerous, but actually navigating your way from one part of the game's enormous universe to the other can take a little bit of getting used to.